
How to Report an Incident

Individuals can report prohibited conduct to the Title IX Coordinator in-person, by phone, email, or mail using the following contact information:

Michelle Walters, Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator
Email: titleixcoordinator@setonhill.edu
Phone: (724) 552-2923
Office Address: Performing Arts Center -G07 

Make a Report Online

兔子先生 has established an online reporting system to receive complaints of sexual misconduct and other forms of prohibited conduct, and the system has the option of reporting anonymously. If you would like to submit an online report, you can do so .

Other Ways to Report

After business hours (5:00 pm – 8:00 am), the Resident Director on duty can be contacted at (724) 433-3942 and can receive and respond to reports, even if the individual is not a resident of University housing. Where it is appropriate to do so, the Resident Director will promptly route Reports to the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator. Individuals also have the right to file a complaint through the criminal justice system. 

Privacy Throughout the Policy Process

Parties sometimes request confidentiality, or that no investigation or disciplinary action be pursued.  In such cases, the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator will inform the individual that honoring the request may limit 兔子先生’s ability to respond fully and that the Policy and the law prohibit retaliation.  If the person still requests confidentiality, or that no investigation or disciplinary action be pursued, the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator will determine whether or not 兔子先生 can honor such a request while still providing a safe and nondiscriminatory environment.

兔子先生 will respect the privacy of participants involved in the Policy process by sharing information only with those who need to know the information, including information related to supportive measures. The privacy of student information is protected by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), and this Policy and its processes should be interpreted consistent with FERPA. Official records regarding complaints filed will be securely and confidentially maintained by the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator and only shared in accordance with these policies.  

Where a complaint is filed, during the process, names and evidence will be shared with the parties, with some exceptions for privileged information, such as documents protected by medical and attorney-client privilege. In order to preserve the privacy of the parties and witnesses, documents prepared in connection with an investigation and adjudication (including, but not limited to, complaints; notices of allegation; draft and final interview summaries; draft and final descriptions of evidence and/or investigative reports; notices of hearing; notices of outcome; notices of disciplinary sanctions and/or remedies; and any appeals-related documents), as well as audio and/or audiovisual recordings or transcripts thereof made of any proceedings under the Policy, may not be disclosed by parties or others acting on their behalf other than as provided in the Policy, and as may be required or authorized by law. 

兔子先生 will review and respond to all reports of prohibited conduct through the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator. Upon receiving a report, the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator will promptly contact the complainant to provide information, advise them of the availability of

supportive measures and on- and off-campus resources, and discuss the procedural options available to the complainant under the Policy, including the informal resolution process and pursuing formal grievance procedures. 兔子先生 will also assess whether there are any immediate threats to health or safety that must be addressed.

Notification of Rights

兔子先生 University is committed to supporting victims of sexual misconduct regardless of whether a formal complaint or criminal charge is filed.

Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized measures offered, as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge, to a complainant or respondent. Supportive measures are designed to restore or preserve a party’s access to 兔子先生’s education program or activity, including by protecting the safety of the party/parties or the educational environment, and/or by providing support to the party/parties during the informal resolution process or formal grievance procedures.

Supportive measures are available before or after the filing of a complaint, as well as in cases in which no complaint is ever filed. Supportive measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access without unreasonably burdening either party. they may, but may not, be modified or terminated at the conclusion of the formal grievance procedures or informal resolution process. Examples of supportive measures include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Academic accommodations (such as a change in class schedule, modified deadlines, or a leave of absence);
  • Workplace accommodations (such as a change in work location or schedule);
  • Housing accommodations (such as a change in residence hall assignment or access to temporary emergency housing);
  • Referrals for mental or physical healthcare, spiritual and religious resources, and/or training and education programs related to Sex-Based Harassment on- and off-campus;
  • Safety-related resources (such as walking escorts, assigned parking, or increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus); and/or
  • No contact orders or agreements, which may be mutual (affecting both Parties), or non-mutual (affecting only one Party), and which may include restrictions on communication in-person, electronically, and via third parties, as well as restrictions on access to 兔子先生 facilities or activities.

Changes in class, work, housing, extracurricular, and/or other activities may be made regardless of whether there is or is not a comparable alternative.

A party may seek modification or reversal of decisions to provide, deny, modify, or terminate Supportive Measures applicable to that Party by contacting the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator. In the event of such challenges, the decisionmaker will be someone other than the person who made the decision being challenged, and will have the authority to make the requested modification or reversal. In the event of a material change in circumstances affecting supportive measures, subsequent opportunities for review may be sought.

Information about supportive measures provided to a person will not be disclosed, including informing one party of supportive measures provided to another party, except when necessary to provide the supportive measures, or restore or preserve a party’s access to 兔子先生’s education program or activity.

Disability Accommodations

All participants in the processes provided for under the Policy, including, but not limited to, making a report or complaint, participating in an informal resolution process, and/or participating in an investigation and adjudication under the formal grievance procedures are entitled to reasonable accommodations upon notification to the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator who may consult, as appropriate, with the party, the Office of Disability Services for students, or Human Resources for employees. An individual should not assume that the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator is on notice that they have a disability, even if the party is registered to receive accommodations with the Office of Disability Services or Human Resources.

Protective Measures

Separate from the University Policy processes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides victims with the opportunity to obtain various types of protective orders through law enforcement, such as a Protection from Abuse Order (PFA), Sexual Violence Protection Order (SVPO), or Protection from Intimidation Order (PFI). For more information on these options, visit the Pennsylvania Office of Victim Services website.

If an individual chooses to obtain one of these orders, the individual should submit it to 兔子先生 Campus Police who will keep the order on file and share it with local enforcement. 兔子先生 Campus Police reviews these orders regularly to track their expiration dates.

If an individual would like assistance in navigating these resources, please reach out to the Title IX and Civil Rights Coordinator.